1. We need
to make our homes a place of refuge from the storm, which is increasing in
intensity all about us. Even if the smallest openings are left unattended,
negative influences can penetrate the very walls of our homes.
-L. Tom
Perry (The Importance of the Family) April 2003
2. “‘We
have a family home evening program once a week [Monday night] across the Church
in which parents sit down with their children. They study the scriptures. They
talk about family problems. They plan family activities and things of that
kind. I don’t hesitate to say if every family in the world practiced that one
thing, you’d see a very great difference in the solidarity of the families of
the world’ (interview, Boston Globe, 14 Aug. 2000).”
-Gordon B.
Hinckley “Family Home Evening” March 2003
4. Near the end of his life, one father looked back on how he
had spent his time on earth. An acclaimed, respected author of numerous
scholarly works, he said, ‘I wish I had written one less book and taken my
children fishing more often.’ Time passes quickly. Many parents say that it
seems like yesterday that their children were born. Now those children are
grown, perhaps with children of their own. ‘Where did the years go?’ they ask.
We cannot call back time that is past, we cannot stop time that now is, and we
cannot experience the future in our present state. Time is a gift, a treasure
not to be put aside for the future but to be used wisely in the present.”
Thomas S.
Monson (Dedication Day-October 2000)
5. "Through
the restored gospel we learn there is an ideal family. It is a family composed
of a righteous Melchizedek Priesthood bearer with a righteous wife sealed to
him and children born in the covenant or sealed to them. With a mother in the
home in an environment of love and service, the parents teach their children,
through example and precept, the ways of the Lord and His truths."
Richard G. Scott "First Things First" May 2001
6. "To parents everywhere, my counsel is simple: Get
a copy of 'The Family: A Proclamation to the World.' Read it and strive to
align your marriage and your family to its inspired, revealed direction from
the Lord."
M. Russell Ballard, "The Sacred Responsibilites of
Parenthood" March 2006
7. "Let us open wide the windows of our hearts, that
each family member may feel welcome and 'at home.' Let us open also the doors
of our very souls, that the dear Christ may enter. Remember His promise:
'Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the
door, I will come in to him' (Revelation 3:20)."
-Thomas S. Monson,"Hallmarks of a Happy Home"
October 2001
8. "When the seas of life are stormy, a wise mariner
seeks a port of peace. The family, as we have traditionally known it, is such a
refuge of safety. 'The home is the basis of a righteous life and no other
instrumentality can take its place or fulfil its essential functions.”
-Thomas S. Monson, "Dedication Day" November
9. “Each family prayer, each episode of family scripture
study, and each family home evening is a brushstroke on the canvas of our
souls. No one event may appear to be very impressive or memorable. But just as
the yellow and gold and brown strokes of paint complement each other and
produce an impressive masterpiece, so our consistency in doing seemingly small
things can lead to significant spiritual results. ‘Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,
for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things
proceedeth that which is great’ (D&C 64:33).”
-David A. Bednar "More Dilligen and Concerned at
Home" November 2009
-Thomas S.
Monson "Finding Joy in the Journey" November 2008
I am so
grateful for the emphasis the Church places on the family. I am grateful for
the counsel on ways to strengthen and improve our families. I was so blessed to
grow up in the home I was raised in, with goodly parents who taught me the
Gospel in world where wickedness is ever increasing. I believe the family is
the most important unit in society. I love the little day to day things my
parents did when I was growing up, such as scripture study, prayer, and family
home evening. I love the opportunity I now have to do these things in my own
home and I know there is a strength that comes from it nothing else can bring.
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